
Training Sessions

Specific teaching is provided according to age groups.

We have great indoor equipment to enjoy some good Cricket sensations even during the winter and rainy days.

Regular Training Sessions: are held every Sunday morning.
This is supplemented by up to three weekends of professional coaching conducted by ECB certified coaches from the UK.

2021-22 Winter Indoor Training:
Pre-Christmas winter training will commence from October 24 though December 19, 2021 as per the following schedule.

Batch 1: U7s, U9s & U11s – 9:30am to 11:30am
Batch 2: U13s, U15s & Colts – 11:30am to 1:30pm

Venue Details:
CO Gradelle
Ch. du Pré-du-Couvent 5a

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Professional Coaching Weekend:

Our first professional coaching weekend for 2022 will be held on January 22-23.
We will share more details closer to the date.